Trial Download PDF-eXPLODE

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You can easily purchase a full license from our web site at any time. In order to download the PDF-eXPLODE 45-day evaluation, please complete the following information and click "Next" to view the download page. You must enter a valid e-mail address. An e-mail containing a download password will be sent to that address. You cannot download the software without entering the password.

This evaluation is restricted to a maximum of 25 e-mails per 'print' run and a total of 45 evaluation days from first installation. Additionally, the following footnote will appear on all e-mails sent during the evaluation period only:

"PS: I'm sending you this e-mail and attachment using PDF-eXPLODE, an amazing document distribution tool. You can try PDF-eXPLODE for your own business using the FREE trial version available at -"

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The download will provide you a link to PDF-eXPLODE version (Aug 2021). However, should you purchase, you are entitled to the more recent version of V4.1.28.07 (Nov 2022)
