Go paperless and step into the office of the future.

The paperless office was a slogan, intended to describe the office of the future. The concept of 'paperless', focuses on reducing paper consumption. This in turn will save trees as well as reduce your carbon footprint. You will see your net profits surge and your business efficiencies increase overall.

Electronic document delivery at its easiest! You would not only save heaps of time in the process, but it will also result in real cash savings of postage, labor, paper and ink.

Traditional offices have paper-based filing systems, which may include filing cabinets, folders, shelves, microfiche systems, and drawing cabinets, all of which require maintenance, equipment, considerable space, and are resource-intensive. Using PDF-eXPLODE eliminates your storage nightmares. PDF-eXPLODE can intelligently archive documents electronically by allowing you to set up rules that meet complex requirements. Create multi level folders 'on the fly' to store (for instance) invoices sorted by both customer and salesman and by month if required. You don't have to be a computer geek/nerd to configure PDF-eXPLODE. It is simple to learn and effective to use. Once you make the switch to PDF-eXPLODE, it won't be long before you :

  • improve your cash flow and your office efficiency
  • have spare time to yourself.
  • Join the 1000+ users spread across 26 countries whose life is now easier using

How does it work?

Simply link your PRINT button to our amazing software. Easy!

PDF-eXPLODE will convert your invoices, statements, remittances and payslips into PDF documents then eXPLODE them to multiple destinations as e-mail attachments. You can even customise the text in the body of the e-mail, embed images like Logos in the email body, password protect an exploded attachment - all with the press of one button.

Just click and walk away! Our document burster software will do the hard work.

What are the Benefits?

Every company generates documents for internal and external delivery - client invoices, supplier's payments, various reports, etc. In addition to the excessive processing load on the Business's computer resources, overhead costs, associated with the daily, weekly or monthly reporting via postal or one-by-one e-mail distribution, are escalating. Businesses are forced to streamline and re-engineer their processes to be more time-efficient and cost effective.

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